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Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Jupiter provided by at

Whitening your teeth is the easiest way to make a large impact on your smile. We can make a significant difference in the coloring of your teeth, and as a result, a significant difference in your entire look. Having your teeth whitened in our office allows us to have greater control, meaning we can adjust the shade and adjust the treatment to meet your goals. Specializing in teeth whitening, our staff at Roy C. Blake III, DDS, MSD, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist in nearby Jupiter can help you achieve the professional look you want!

A beautiful smile is said to lighten a room, and there is no better way to have a beautiful smile than with white, bright, healthy-looking teeth. In general, people tend to notice smiles that are extreme, either the best or the worst, anything in between makes very little impact. With our dental services, we can help you have a smile that can even brighten the moods of those around you in the Jupiter area.

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Why Would I Want My Teeth Whitened?

Some patients may be unaware of the difference that whitening can make. Our teeth are used multiple times a day, and with that use comes staining and wear. Teeth can quickly look dingy, especially if patients consume any of the multiple foods and drinks that cause, staining such as sauces, berries, coffee, dark colored sodas and more. Patients are frequently surprised the difference whitening can make, citing that they look fresher, brighter and even younger.

How Is Teeth Whitening Done in Jupiter?

Teeth are whitened using a peroxide-based formula. Peroxide does a great job, but it has the potential of damaging gums if applied with carelessness. Teeth whitening products that are purchased in stores, such as toothpaste, rinses, and more, limit this risk by limiting the level of peroxide contained. They can’t match the prescription strength that we can provide. This means that store bought whitening products will work, but it will take longer, with less effect. We can help you get the results you're looking for much faster.

Dentists can prescribe a higher dose of peroxide to whiten teeth because it is done in a controlled format. We offer both an in-office whitening procedure, and we are also able to prescribe an at-home kit.

•  In-Office Whitening: Whitening done in our office is completed in about one hour. We first create a dam, separating the teeth and gums. We then apply the prescribed peroxide gel or paste to the teeth for rapid whitening. With the peroxide in place, we then take a blue laser light and apply it to the peroxide to speed the whitening progress. The largest benefit to having your teeth whitened in office is control, we control the color and take cautionary steps to protect your gums.

•  At-Home Whitening Kits: We can customize and prescribe a whitening kit for whitening at home. The kit will include a lower dosage, but still prescription strength, peroxide gel, along with a custom fit whitening tray, similar to a night guard. Patients love this option because they can whiten on their schedule, and perform touchups as needed.

We are happy to answer your questions and provide more information on teeth whitening.

Schedule A Consultation For Teeth Whitening in Jupiter

Find out if teeth whitening around Jupiter is right for you! Call (561) 296-3399 to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Roy Blake today!

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"Dr. Blake is always extremely professional, meticulous, accommodating, and at the same time, affable and sincerely interested in his patient’s well-being and concerns. The staff is at all times very courteous and professional. Their constant friendly and pleasant attitudes ensure that at every visit, the patient’s experience is always relaxing and positive." -John

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200 S Central Blvd #A, Jupiter, FL 33458

Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs 9am - 5pm
Fri - Appointment Only

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Teeth Whitening Jupiter FL
We offer professional in-office teeth whitening at our Jupiter office - instantly change the look of your smile and improve your confidence! Call us today!
Roy C Blake, III, DDS MSD, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, 200 S Central Blvd, #A, Jupiter, FL 33458 / (561) 296-3399 / / 1/5/2025 / Related Phrases: Dental Implants Jupiter /